We maintain a permanent commitment to our clients, to ensure their full satisfaction through long-term relationships and the constant search to continue improving our services.
We encourage initiatives to develop an ideal organizational culture and the appropriate working environment to ensure the optimal performance of those who work with us, prioritizing the health and safety of each and every one and of the people who supply our services.
We ensure the trust of our investors by implementing control mechanisms, the appropriate design of processes, transparency of information on the company, and a business vision for the future that allows a high predictability for the business flows and their profitability.
Our social responsibility is to contribute to the development, wellbeing and culture of the communities within the area of influence of our sites, prioritizing the contracting of local personnel, goods and services.
We are committed to the protection of the environment through the correct prevention of environmental pollution and the efficient use of resources.
We acknowledge that the State is one of our principal stakeholders and we are committed to strictly complying with the law and the regulations applicable to developing our business.
Our suppliers make up an essential part of our value chain. We therefore seek optimal interaction and a long-term relationship with them and always within strict rules of conduct and a code of ethics.
Code of labor conduct and maintenance of labor discipline
Política de gestión de calidad, seguridad, salud ocupacional, ambiente y responsabilidad social
Política de protección al trabajador
Política libre de alcohol y drogas
Community relations policy
Política de Gestión Antisoborno
Código de Ética
Código de Ética y Reglas de Conducta para Socios de Negocio
Manual para la Prevención y Gestión de los Riesgos de Lavado de Activos y Financiamiento del Terrorismo
Política para la Prevención de la Corrupción, Lavado de Activos y Financiamiento del Terrorismo
Política de Regalos de Socios de Negocio
Guía de Uso de Canal Integridad San Martín
Manual de Libre Competencia
Política de Libre Competencia